The core age range for Company is from 11 to 14 years.
The Programme
This age group has its own programme based on six areas: Get Active, Get Into the Bible, Get Creative, Get Learning, Get Adventurous and Get Involved. Young people get the chance to develop existing skills and learn new ones, through a fun, balanced and challenging programme of activities. Young people are encouraged to have a say and help shape their own programme. They can get involved in anything from helping others in their local community to playing sports, trying out adventure activities or being creative through dance or art – there’s something for everyone! There are also opportunities to go away on camps and residentials, which are often the highlights in the annual programme.
Throughout their time in this age group young people can gain badges and recognition for their participation in the programme. There’s also an opportunity for young people to start out on working towards their President’s Badge.
The Uniform
Young people wear a core uniform which consist of a blue polo shirt and navy blue sweatshirt. Also members usually wear school trousers and footwear as part of the uniform, but check with your local group.
Safe & caring
All our adult volunteers undertake vetting & barring checks as part of their registration with The Boys’ Brigade, and are trained to provide a safe and caring environment for all children.